Fixed vs Essential Oils

Oils are a versatile medium when it comes to herbalism. More specifically the delivery of medicine from plants into the body. There are many unique oils, too many to count! But they have distinct characteristics, each with a unique effect on our beings. Some are lightweight and others thick and viscous. Some are volatile, evaporating into the surrounding air creating distinct aromas; others are heavier, nonvolatile but able to sink into our skin or be ingested. These attributes contribute to the action of each oil. When volatile oils enter the air we may inhale them, absorbing their components directly into our bodies, into our bloodstreams. On our skin fixed oil nourishes, mimicking the natural oils secreted by our bodies. Inside of us it is nutritious, able to dissolve and deliver essential, fat-soluble vitamins to our bodies. Without consuming oil and fat we would not be able to absorb these vital nutrients! 


These two types of oil not only differ in how we use them but also in their physical characteristics. Take their scent for instance. Volatile oils like the essential oils of plants tend to be very aromatic, containing terpenes that have the power to change our moods. Terpenes are powerful, bioactive compounds that are abundant in essential oils, responsible for the function of aromatherapy. Fixed oils on the other hand tend to be less fragrant and more earthy in their scent. This is in part due to where each of these oils derive from. Volatile oils come from the fruits, flowers , bark, roots, and leaves of plants while fixed oils usually come from the nuts or seeds. And this definitely transfers to their scent! Some fixed oils are quite nutty actually which makes sense when you think of their origin!

Volatile/Essential Oils

readily evaporate

contain terpenes and other bioactive compounds

have a low density

use diluted

Fixed Oils


composed mainly of glycerides and fatty acids

absorb into the skin

deliver fat soluble nutrients into the body

The action of these oils is not only due to the scent of them but also their viscosity and the feel of them. Volatile oils tend to be very thin, their molecules weigh much less than fixed oils making it easy for them to evaporate. Try putting a drop of essential oil on a piece of paper, within minutes the drop will disappear, leaving the surroundings smelling of the essence.

But they also tend to be a bit intense for the skin and should always be diluted before topically used. Fixed oils on the other hand are usually praised for their effects on the skin! Typically they are higher in viscosity but vary in their speed of absorption. There are so many different types of fixed oils that all vary in their effects. Some absorb quickly and leave a light level of moisture retention, while others are thick and slow to absorb, perfect for massage oils! Some are liquid at room temp while others like coconut oil are solid. Not to be confused with butters which are quite solid.


Because of their versatility and mildness, fixed oils make for great carrier oils! And carrier oils, just like they sound, carry compounds and allow them to be absorbed by the body. Oil infusions are a favorite way to extract herbal constituents, very common in topical formulas. Carriers oils are needed when essential oils and terpenes are desired to be applied topically. Fixed and volatile oils work together to bring you the best of both worlds! 


Plant Communication


Terpenes and Terpenoids: Natures Perfume