Who I Am

First and foremost Hello! and welcome to my site. Let me introduce myself…

My name is Eve, lovely to meet you!

I have spent my life devoted to the pursuit of understanding. Everything intrigues me but most of all what make our world tic sparks the most wonder in me. I am a chemist by trade and on this path I fell in love with plants! Their intricate growth, the way they can transform the environment, all of it amazes me and I want to share what I’ve learned on my journey so far.

I spent years working at a small lab in Oregon that specialized in extracting medicine from the hemp plant. We eventually expanded our work to include a variety of other medicinal plants and my love of herbalism was born! There I learned how to make essential oils, ethanol extracts, oil and water soluble extracts and so much more.

Although modern medicine has transformed our world, traditional knowledge and rituals have created the basis for this evolution. Learning the power of plant medicine and concocting home remedies has shown me the wonder of the whole plant. This work has made me fall in love many times over with this Planet and the beautiful and powerful gifts it may provide to us. I hope to share this knowledge with you all!

“The lips of Wisdom are closed,

Except to the ears of Understanding.”

— The Three Initiates, Kybalion

To be wise is to understand and use knowledge gained to better the world around you. When we live at the tipping point of life on this Planet this becomes even more critical. I want to use this platform to not only highlight sacred, traditional knowledge, but to show how this knowledge may be incorporated into our everyday existence. Lately I have found myself watching the path of a Green Witch, one of living connected to nature not separate from it. I am just beginning my spiritual journey but I want to share that on here as well, in hopes that it inspires some of you to live a more connected life too!

Just as it is important to better our personal beings it is just as vital to give back to Earth so that it may continue to sustain life.

Let us together better ourselves and better our planet! Let us align our divine…

Thank you for joining me on this wholesome adventure!
