Why you Need to Practice Herbalism

If you're on this blog you are most likely familiar with Herbalism. If you happened upon my website and you aren't familiar with plant medicine, welcome, let me teach you a thing or two about natural remedies! I wholeheartedly believe that all families need plant medicine in their homes. Not only will it teach you how to cure common ailments and support your health in a holistic manner, it will empower you! Making medicine is a spiritual experience that can alter your life in many ways. I know herbalism has a place in your life, let me share my story so you can see where it all started for me…

My journey

I began my journey with herbal medicine back when I was in university. I went to school for Chemistry and was quickly engulfed in the complex world of chemical reactions. I learned how the smallest compounds can have the biggest impact. Studying chemistry I inevitably started to study modern pharmacology as it is the natural path for most chemists nowadays. Learning about modern medicine felt lacking though. I felt like we were missing some key piece of the puzzle. As I searched for ways to fill this gap I looked to plants. Like many before me, studying plants led me to discoveries not only about herbs but about myself. Studying Herbalism taught me to slow down and notice subtle changes in my body. It taught me that not all illness or imbalance needs modern medicine, and in some cases modern medicine will actually hinder you from truly healing the root cause of your ailments. 

If this sounds inline with your values, Herbalism is for you! Now let's break down the different reasons to dive headfirst into the path of plants.

Helps you get in touch with your body 

At the root of Herbalism is understanding and listening to your body and using natural remedies to support your health. In order to do this though you first have to be so in tune with your body that you notice when it is out of balance. Our bodies are complex systems that are constantly in flux. We aren't closed off to our surroundings but rather open and receptive to environmental changes. The herbs you choose to work with are the source of some of these changes so it's important to know how each one affects your body…

In tune with the effects of herbs

Herbs tend to have a subtle effect so when working with them you're forced to slow down and tune in. The subtle changes that some herbs bring on can go unnoticed if you aren't paying attention! On the other hand some herbs are very intense and can be felt immediately. One example is chamomile, it brings on an almost immediate calm that spreads from the belly through the whole body. 

As you work with each different plant, take notes about how you feel using them. Slowly you will start to understand how you react to different plants. Everyone is unique and will therefore have different experiences with each plant. What works for someone else might not work for you! Humans are beautifully complex creations. Herbalism is all about embracing this complexity and creating customized health plans for each individual.

Ritual for working with a new herb

When trying new remedies, I always start with a clear and sober mind and introduce one herb at a time. I will choose the herb I want to learn about and start with either a tea or a couple drops of tincture. Setting aside a time to do nothing but pay attention really helps. After you take your dose, sit back, close your eyes, and breathe deeply. Allow the herbal medicine to work its way into your body and mind. I find it helpful to keep a journal handy to write down any changes I notice. The more you work with herbs the more in tune you will become.

Feeling and knowing when your body needs love

Not only will you be staying in tune to the subtle effect of herbs, you will start to notice each system of your body and how they work together to keep your body functioning. As you get acclimated to your body you will start to feel when something is out of whack. Understanding and knowing when you are out of balance is something that I feel like we have lost as a society. As we moved toward ease and convenience, we felt we no longer needed to be in touch with our bodies. Nowadays we more often than not rely on annual visits with our doctors to “solve all of our problems”. In reality thinking about our health one day out of the year is a recipe for dysfunction. Herbalism teaches you to think about your health daily, to stay in touch with how you feel. It might not be a cure all but it is a practice that, at its roots, is personally empowering and transformative. 

Take your health into your own hands 

For centuries humanity turned to nature to cure and prevent disease and it did not let us down! While there is no replacement for modern medicine in an emergency, traditional medicine can improve health and prevent common ailments before they occur. By learning how to make and use your own plant medicine you are developing the skills needed to truly take care of yourself and your family. Knowing what to do when you or a loved one is sick is truly a game changer. It feels like you are taking control of your health in a holistic way. 

Great way to connect with Nature

This might be obvious, but embracing plants in the way that Herbalism encourages is a great way to feel connected to Nature. Not only will you connect with the plants themselves, but if you grow your own herbs for your medicine making you will inevitably connect with the planet as well. I cannot express how healing it is to cultivate a relationship with the natural world. One top of the healing qualities of the plants you’ll work with on your Herbalism journey connecting with nature is proven to lower stress levels and stimulate your parasympathetic nervous system. This added bonus can have a lasting effect on how you live your life as a whole. I know for me personally when I started practicing herbalism I found myself seeking out the natural world more and more as my wonder at plant medicine grew. And it makes sense too! Herbalism is a movement of returning to our roots as a plant powered society. We used to live our live much more in tune with Nature than we do now and I truly believe every person benefits from a connection to Nature.


Low Carbon Footprint

By minimizing how often you rely on the pharmaceutical industry or big corporation you are choosing a sustainable alternative. Herbalism is literally built around plants and growing them for medicine. This is, in and of itself, promoting sustainability simply because of the nature of herbalism, a practice quite literally rooted in the ground. 

Supporting the local community

Supporting local businesses. I find that using locally grown herbs and local honey in your practice enhances the effects of your medicine. It connects you even more to the natural world because you are tuning into the surrounding environment and community. This is especially true for bee products which hold a lot of therapeutic potential in local pollen. While you can certainly find herbal remedies online, most places have a local herb shop or natural grocer that has herbal remedies. But you really cannot beat making your own tinctures and tonics!

Overall herbalism is a powerful practice that has the potential to completely revolutionize your life. While everyone's experience with traditional medicine is different, it is universally healing. I hope that, if you haven't already, you start your journey with plant medicine! I promise it will not let you down!

Read More!


5 Uses of Powdered Herbs and How to Make Them


The Real Deal with Antioxidants: Herbal Remedies to Support Health