Oil Based Acne Treatments: Does Oil Help with Acne?

We all know the annoyance of having a pimple, or many… It only makes us human after all, but still there are things we can do to optimize our skin's health and prevent the formation of these pesky bumps. Although it may be counterintuitive, oil itself is actually a wonderful at-home acne treatment! 

We commonly think of oil as the cause of acne but that is only one facet of a fairly complex cause. In reality there are goods and bad types of oil. Yes, the oil on your face after a hard day's work or an intense workout is not ideal as it tends to have lots of dirt and sweat. However, oils such as coconut, jojoba, or moringa oil make for some amazing oil based treatments for acne!

Skin Composition

Before we get into the specifics let's talk a bit about our skin first… The skin is the largest organ in (or on) the human body. It is responsible for creating the barrier between the outside world and our inner workings. We tend to forget how vital our skin really is! Glands within the skin near the surface produce a waxy oily substance known as sebum. This sebum is the oil that coats our skin providing lubrication, holding in moisture, and protecting us from UV and other environmental conditions.

Causes of acne…

There are many causes of acne so for this post I’m going to focus on three prominent causes of acne: excess oil production, clogged pores, and an imbalance in our bacteria in both the gut and on our skin. Then there are a number more causes of acne such as hormones, diet/exercise or even genetics. 

Excess Oil Production

The oil produced by your skin known as sebum, is a secretion from our sebaceous glands. Essentially though it is a way for our bodies to prevent us from drying out. We need the oil to keep our skin healthy. But as the saying goes, too much of a good thing can be bad! And that is the case here. Too much sebum can build up on our skin and cause acne by clogging our pores. That leads me into this next main cause of acne, clogged pores.

Clogged Pores

I separated this from excess oil because I'm not just talking about sebum clogging our pores here, I'm also talking about the dirt and debris we encounter in our daily lives. This tends to “get caught” in our sebum and consequently get into our pores and clog them. Cleansing is key here, ridding ourselves of the grim of life.

Bacteria imbalance in the gut (and our skin)

Acne is an inflammatory condition at its core, with the other symptoms to follow (well perhaps excluding clogged pores as that is simply a part of life). When our sebaceous glands are inflamed they tend to create more sebum and thus we have a greater chance of getting acne with this increased oil production. One of the major causes of inflammation is actually an imbalance in our gut! More specifically an imbalance in the microbiome of our gut. Scientists every year are learning more and more how the health of our microbiome dictates the health of all other systems in our body, and our skin is no exception! So to balance your gut is to balance your skin and this comes mainly down to diet. Eating clean foods will clean out the toxins in your body. This prevents them from being secreted onto our skins preventing acne!

How does oil help with acne? 

So now that we have some background on the skin and what causes acne you may be thinking, “how can more oil help prevent acne?!” The reality is that you are able to balance your skin’s natural oil production by introducing the right kinds of oils. 


When you over wash your face you end up drying it out and this causes your skin to produce more sebum. This excess sebum builds up and clogs your pores! What you can do instead is to add an oil product to your routine after washing to restore this much needed moisture. Your skin will absorb the oil when it needs it and your skin won't overcompensate. The extra moisture over time can even improve your skin's texture allowing marks and scars to fully heal.


And speaking of keeping your skin clean, oil makes for an amazing cleanser! As the saying goes, like dissolves like. Oil cleansers are able to pull the oil and dirt from your pores without drying out your skin. Cleansing with oil rather than soap is a much gentler alternative to those with sensitive skin as well. They are effective too, able to remove even the most stubborn makeup!


There are even oils that can help balance the skin’s microbiome! Coconut oil for instance is antimicrobial in nature and is often used to treat dental ailments that are bacterial in nature. Using it on the skin directly or using a product that features it is a great way to gently balance your skin. Essential oils and oil extracts can be added in small quantities to boost the effectiveness of your oil treatment. Thyme and oregano in particular have shown promising effects in the treatment of acne. Make sure to dilute these oils though as they are pungent. If you want to learn more about essential oils and their uses check out my post on aromatherapy!

Types of oil products to try…

Now that we know that oil is an excellent treatment for acne, here are some products you can try!


Serums are basically blends of different oils! Some have additional ingredients like vitamins and antioxidants, but at their root they are simply oil. They are extremely customizable too! Some are fast absorbing and others are thick and heavy, some are even drying like rosehip oil!

Oil Cleansers

Like I mentioned above oil based cleansers are amazing products, especially as a makeup remover. Some people like to follow up with a gentle foaming cleanser as well to ensure that everything is removed. Adding that extra oil though makes it so much more moisturizing!

Oils based moisturizers

Oil also makes for a great addition to moisturizers. When mixed with the more lightweight ingredients you can avoid the heavy feel of other oil based products. Look for moisturizers that feature coconut or jojoba oil, these tend to be very luxurious!

Hopefully you try adding some oil based treatments to your routine if you struggle with acne! I know they definitely helped me on my journey to clear skin! Thanks for reading, until next time…


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