Ways to Connect with Nature and Why its Important

I spend a lot of time on this blog diving into the gifts that nature provides us. How these gifts can heal our bodies from the inside out. Nature can do much more though, it can heal our minds… 

Why connect with Nature?

Many of us find ourselves lost in the modern world. Perhaps even suffering from depression or anxiety. We can benefit from slowing down and just observing what is. Connecting with Nature is a healing process. A process that every single person can benefit from. It doesn't matter who you are or what your day to day looks like, being in Nature will only serve you for the better! Spending time outdoors calms our minds and makes us slow down and notice the natural rhythms of the world. It allows for an escape from the worries of society, a chance to just breathe. It has even been clinically proven that being in nature actually releases endorphins. It literally makes you happy!

Nature is our Roots

We are all born of this Earth. Sometimes in modern society we like to think of ourselves as outside of Nature, or even above it. We are taught that we are somehow better than other living things on this planet. When in reality we are one of them! We may have developed consciousness, but how do we know we are alone in this? All that we know is that we are of this Earth. Let us not forget this in our race towards modern understanding.

Ways to connect to Nature

This may seem simple (and it is!), but not all of us have easy access to natural areas. Fear not! Even in the middle of the city there are still ways to connect with Nature.

Take a walk outside

This is probably the most intuitive way to connect with the natural world, simply be in it! Finding a forest to walk through or a steam to stroll along is perfect. Just clear your mind and observe what’s around you. Take the time to leave your everyday concerns behind. Even if you can't make it into a natural area, still talk a walk outside. Feel the breeze on your skin and notice how the weather is. Is it sunny? If so close your eyes and feel the warmth, let the solar energy sink into your bones. This is a perfect lead in to my next way to connect…

Meditate in Nature

Sitting and just being is the best way to connect with the energy of the natural world. Whether you find a park to sit in or just sit by an open window, take a moment to just be. Notice any feelings that arise. Notice the wind or lack thereof, listen to it come and go. Listen to any animals or the sounds of other people. All of these beings coexist in the same world. Connecting with Nature is realizing that you are in fact one with it, a part of it.

Notice the Plants and Wildlife

Every time you find yourself outside, take notice of any plants growing around you. Even the weeds between the cracks in the sidewalk are remnants of Nature. Do you live by any trees? Pay attention to how the seasons slowly change the trees, especially the deciduous ones. How the buds start to creep over bare branches in Spring. Seeming to come alive as the sun thaws a winter world. Then watch as the leaves start to turn color as the day shortens and the cold returns. Connecting to the cycles of the seasons is a raw way to reconnect with the natural world. Find a tree and sit next to it. Listen for any birds. You’ll be surprised by how much we miss in our fast paced lives…

Allowing yourself to embrace the energy of Mother Nature is a healing experience. It will help you grow more connected to yourself as well as with the natural world. Able to calm your mind, being outdoors is essential in our modern world full of fast paced distractions. Take a moment to just notice what is, and breathe…

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