Aromatherapy: Connecting to Plants Through Aroma
We’ve all heard the saying, “Stop and smell the roses”; well, aromatherapy asks you to do just that! It asks you to clear your mind and connect with the energies of plants in the form of their aromas. Allowing these subtle energies to shift our mood. For millennia people of all sorts have turned to the power of plants to aid them in setting the mood...I’m not just talking about romantic notions either! Think of the Catholics with their cleansing smoke, or Native Americans with their white sage ceremonies. Both of these practices lean into the energies of plants, letting them guide our traditions. Essential Oils have become increasingly popular in the application of Aromatherapy because of their unique properties. Keep reading to learn more…
You see the right plants can help you connect with your intuition and open your mind to spiritual matters. The power of plants doesn’t stop there! Not only can plants help connect with the divine, they can calm you when you're feeling overwhelmed, or uplift you when you’re a bit drab. They can help prepare you for sleep or even get you in the mood for love. The possibilities are truly endless!
What is Aromatherapy
Aromatherapy is the practice of using aromatic plants and the oils from them to holistically heal oneself. It works by using our olfactory system (our noses) to elicit emotions within us. Sometimes these emotions are universal but sometimes they can be quite specific. For example the overall calming scent of lavender is soothing to most people, able to bring about feelings of calmness. Now think of a place or person you hold dear, think about what they smell like. For you, smelling these things may bring about pleasant memories, it isn’t the scents themselves, but rather what you associate with them! Aromatherapy can be a very customized practice if you want it to be!
Each plant has its own energy. Some are cooling like peppermint, tea tree and eucalyptus. While others are warming like cinnamon, ginger and cardamom. By listening to the subtle changes in your body and mind when you smell these different aromas you may learn to identify these energies! As you learn how your body reacts to the different aromas you can begin to blend them and create transcendent experiences.
Learning how to connect to these energies requires us to take a look into the composition of plants themselves, more specifically their essential oils. There are other ways to administer aromatherapy like incense or steam baths, but diffusing essential oils is where I’ll focus today. Perhaps if you're interested I can touch on the other ways in coming posts, just let me know if you’re interested!
What are essential oils…
Essential oils are the product of the steam distillation of plant material. This means that steam is directed through plant material and then collected and cooled down. What is created is water with a thin layer of oil on top. The oil is the essential oil of the plant and the water is known as a hydrosol. Some essential oils, like those from citrus plants, can be made by pressing the peels and collecting the oils. These oils are powerful as they are super concentrated, but because of this strength they can be a bit harsh and need to be diluted before use. If you are diffusing essential oils you only need a few drops in order to be enveloped in their aroma.
These oils are unique due to their volatility. This means that they easily evaporate at room temperature, giving them their intense aromas. Due to this essential oils are the go to for aromatherapy. Like I mentioned a few times, using a diffuser is a great way to try essential oils but you can also use candles or even scented lotions! Just make sure that the candles you choose do not use artificial fragrance as these do not have the same characteristics as plant derived essential oils.
How essential oils affect your mood…
Now that you’re familiar with what essential oils are, let’s explore how they can affect your mood. These aromas work by triggering different things in our brain. For example oils that have calming effects typically work by activating our parasympathetic nervous systems. You see we each have two different nervous systems, the sympathetic, responsible for action and the flight or fight instinct, and the parasympathetic, which takes over when our bodies are resting. By triggering the parasympathetic nervous system we are telling our bodies that it is time to slow down and calm down.
You can also use essential oil to help you focus or even meditate. And of course you can use aromas to help set the mood… They can even be used for medicinal reasons, such as to ease a cough or ease the pains of menstruation. The possibilities are truly endless! Now let's get into how to actually practice aromatherapy.
Aromatherapy for beginners…
One thing I find particularly helpful when approaching a new form of herbal medicine is to set my intent. Like I mentioned earlier there are many different ways to approach this so try to find one aspect you want to focus on at a time. Perhaps you try an oil blend in the morning to add a boost to your morning routine and awaken your senses. Or maybe you try a touch of lavender before bed to settle the mind and ease you into a good night's sleep. Whatever it is that you are trying to achieve, set that intent as you prepare your diffusion.
Next collect your oils. In the section below I have a list of different oils and their energies if you need help picking out the perfect ones. Prepare your diffuser with fresh water every time and add just a few drops of your oil. I usually do not add more than 10, but even that is too much for strong oils such as peppermint. Always start with fewer until you get a feel for each oil.
If you do not have a diffuser a great DIY method is to just use a pot of water. Bring a small pot of water to a simmer, keep the water just below boiling. Then add your oils and embrace their aromas! When using this method I find that I do need to use more oil, but simply add a few more drops when the scent needs renewing.
The energies of different essential oils…
Below is a chart of several different energies you may want to explore! Blending oils is another amazing thing to boost your experience even more!
Essential Oils and their Energies
Anise- Awaken and ease respiration. Use sparingly.
Basil- Stimulate and focus. Respiratory tonic.
Cedarwood- Grounding but awakening. Aphrodisiac.
Cinnamon- Awaken love and energize your spirits.
Citronella- Freshen and uplift.
Clove bud- Strong and spicy, cleansing.
Cypress- Motivate and awaken your drive.
Eucalyptus- Cool, calm, and clear out.
Fir- Soothe anxiety and ground. Great for respiratory health.
Frankincense- Ground and expel, surprisingly calming for its intensity.
Jasmine- Very floral and uplifting, I add just a drop for floral nostalgia.
Juniper- Calm, purify and cleanse.
Lavender- Calm and attract love.
Lemon- Uplift and direct the mind.
Lemongrass- Energize and ground.
Lime- Brighten and renew.
Melissa or Lemon Balm- Ease depressing and anxiety.
Mugwort- For dreamwork.
Myrrh- Very woodsy, for meditation. I usually blend this oil with others.
Orange- Uplift and awaken.
Peppermint- Cool and calm.
Pine- Clear your mind.
Rosemary- Stimulate and Refresh. Expectorant for the lungs.
Sage- Cleanse and ease nerves.
Spearmint- Less intense than peppermint but similar properties. Cooling, but sweet.
Tea Tree- Cool and clear.
Thyme- Cool and expel.
Vetiver- Ground and meditate.
White Camphor- Warming, eases pain.
Ylang Ylang- Relieve stress and anxiety.