Herbs to Ease Anxiety

We all know what anxiety feels like, a pit in the stomach, an increased heart rate and maybe trouble breathing. When we feel this way it can disrupt our days, putting a damper on our mood. When you feel stressed and need relief from anxious thoughts or feelings turn to the healing power of plants. Anxiety has many effects on the body and each one can be aided by different herbs. Let’s explore these different actions in hope you find some needed relief!

What causes anxiety?

First let's look at some ways you may experience anxiety. By becoming familiar with the sensations you feel when anxious, managing your stress becomes easier. For me I find that anxiety presents itself in three main ways: an uneasy stomach, an increased heart rate &/or breathing, and a cycling mind. High levels of stress chemicals in the body may cause these symptoms by putting your body in a heightened state. Cortisol is the most prominent stress hormone we feel at these times and it can wreak havoc on our bodies! All of the symptoms I mentioned above when felt long term can be the effects of an out of balance endocrine system (this system regulates our hormone levels). 

When to use Natural Remedies for Anxiety

Stressful Situation

Anxiety is a natural feeling but too much of it can be really uncomfortable! Whether you are struggling with a stressful situation or have chronic anxiety, you can learn to manage it using natural remedies! Herbs may assist you by providing immediate anxiety relief or by helping your body manage stress in the long term. 

Upset Stomach

When you have a queasy stomach due to anxiety you want something to soothe the digestive system. Gentle herbs are best when you're feeling especially nauseous. And sometimes just the action of making a cup of tea can start to ease your anxiety. Small distractions to pull you away from frantic thoughts. Chamomile is the perfect gentle herb to ease your nerves and stomach, other great ones are.

Heart is Racing

When your heart is racing you may use herbs to calm your nerves and slow the heart rate. Plants that do this are called beta-blockers and they work by lowering blood pressure. Garlic and Lemon Balm are both known to slow the heart rate, natural remedies that are safe to use everyday. 

For more herbal treatments for anxiety keep reading! 

Herbs for immediate anxiety relief 


Skullcap for managing stressful situations or panic/anxiety attacks. It's amazing, but not for daily use as it is a bit hard on the liver. If you need immediate relief, skullcap is an excellent option. Simply add it to hot water, cover and let steep for a couple minutes and then enjoy. It has a fairly earthy taste so try adding a bit of honey or dried fruit to sweeten it up!


Kava is another amazing plant for anxiety relief. This one is known for the tea made from its roots. A mildly sedative and spiced brew, use kava when you need to relax your body and mind. However, like skullcap use in moderation as kava is known to be mildly intoxicating if drunk consistently. 


Lavender, specifically aromatherapy using lavender essential oil is a great way to calm your mind. Either diffusing the essential oil or applying a diluted version topically both have shown promising results. Aromatherapy activates different parts of the mind compared to ingesting the plant. Herbs with terpene rich volatile oils tend to work well in aromatherapy. 


Another plant whose essential oils are great for diffusing is Chamomile! High in alpha-bisabolol the volatile oils produce a calming effect when inhaled. Lavender and chamomile make a powerful combo in aromatherapy for anxiety. But the uses for chamomile don’t stop there! Like I mentioned earlier it is amazing for calming the stomach and its mild sedative effects will immediately put your mind at ease. Chamomile before bed is an amazing remedy to slow your thoughts before bed. It's even used as a treatment for insomnia! 

You see, there are many herbs to turn to when you're feeling anxious! Now let's turn our focus to long term stress management. If we can help our body build a resilience to stress, then anxiety attacks will become less frequent and more manageable! 

Adaptogens for stress management


Ashwagandha is my go to adaptogen because it not only provides immediate anxiety relief, but when taken long term it can lower your baseline cortisol levels. And as we discussed earlier, cortisol is the stress chemical, by lowering this in our bodies ashwagandha is able to provide relief for chronic anxiety as well!

Holy Basil

Tulsi aka Holy Basil is another herbal treatment for anxiety. This plant works by improving our cognitive function and therefore our mood! This plant works best when taken consistently because when done so it is able to relieve symptoms of chronic stress like headaches and exhaustion or trouble sleeping. One study found that after 6 weeks patients saw a relief of these symptoms and an overall reduction in stress.

Whether you are suffering from onset anxiety or chronic stress, fear not, plants can help you manage! Just brew a cup of tea, load your diffuser with some lavender and chamomile oil, take a deep breath and relax. All is well! Thank you for reading!


Aromatherapy: Connecting to Plants Through Aroma


Types of Herbal Preparations