5 Herbs to Grow Indoors

Herbs are lovely plants to grow, but sometimes we may not alway have an outdoor space to do so. Bringing the plants inside is a great option for those who still want to flex their green thumb but may not have the yard to do it on a large scale. There are some things to consider when setting up an indoor garden though.

Pot size

The size of your pot will reflect the yield of the plant. If you are only harvesting for seasoning and other culinary needs you wont need very large pots. However, if you intended to harvest frequently maybe use a bigger pot to ensure that the plant has plenty of room to grow.


Make sure to ensure that your soil is well drained. Adding a layer of gravel or other rocks can help, as well as supplementing your potting soil with a bit of sand. Always look up the specific soil needs of the plant you intend to grow to create optimum conditions!


This is the one thing that is lacking when growing plants indoors, it is not always possible to ensure that the plant is receiving all the sunlight it needs. To supplement natural sunlight you may use grow lamps that mimic the suns UV spectrum. This allows for the plant to thrive even when it might not be so sunny outside, like in the winter!

5 herbs to grow indoors…

These five herbs thrive in low light conditions making them perfect for indoor gardening! Hope you try to grow them yourselves, happy growing!


Chives like well drained soil with plenty of organic matter, add a little compost if it is available. Make sure it has as much light as possible, supplement with growing lights if needed.

Lemon Balm

Lemon Balm also prefers well drain soil so only water when the soil no longer feels damp. As well, make sure it is placed in a window with ample sunlight. Turning the plant periodically can ensure all leaves get some light!


Make sure to grow oregano in a pot with lots of drainage. Adding perilite or other porous materials can also assist in keeping the soil well drained. South facing windows tend to get the most sunlight so try to place herbs in these windows


Parsley like humidity and soil with ample drainage. Because your plants will not be experiencing any rain, mist them from time to time to keep their leaves from drying out.


Thyme prefers to have its root remain dry and not soggy, try to let it dry out as much as possible between waterings.


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