Don't Let the Fear of Failure Stop you from Trying

Today I want to talk about something that affects me greatly, the fear of failure. Honestly I think it affects most of us! We get caught up in the what ifs and let that stop us from taking action. But I am here to say that the little voice in your head telling you not to do something is holding you back! I know it's hard to have faith and take the leap but by listening to your fears you are holding yourself back even more…

Fear at the root of inaction

In my own experience most of my inaction is due to fear. In my career I learned to overcome some of this fear by pushing myself to step into roles that on paper I wasn't qualified for. By stepping outside my fear at work I gained experience that otherwise would have been unattainable. Still though it can be challenging to do something new or to take a leap and start a new career or business. I felt that and in turn I stayed in my lane for years and helped others achieve the success I desired. I always had the safety blanket of being an employee. If I advised a client wrong or messed up on a formula, it wouldn't fall back on me personally but the business I worked for. For a while my life was steady and easy. I went to work, did my job came home and worked on my passion, this blog! Still, I knew there was more in store for me…

When I was laid off and took the leap of faith to focus on my own business these fears came back ten fold! Personally I know I am an intelligent woman that can accomplish anything I put my mind to. Sometimes though my inner voice says otherwise. For years I let that voice drive and it led me to take the easier path, the path of less resistance. But what I realized is that resistance is good sometimes! And so is failure! Without failure you never learn to grow as a person or in business.

Salve recipe development

Failure leads to growth

Failure for me has looked and felt like a lot of different things. Lately as I work to develop a skin care line, it looks like a lot of failed test batches, and I mean ALOT! I literally have a liter of lotion sitting on my desk waiting to be reworked right now! Instead of letting that failure get to me and hold me back I try to see each failure as an opportunity to grow. Each test batch I make that doesn't turn out as planned teaches me something new. Through failure I have learned attributes about ingredients that I wouldn't at first suspect. It has allowed me to hone my craft, teaching me the chemistry of cosmetic creation. Don't get me wrong, when I have thousands of grams of failed product it can be disheartening. I try not to let that get to me though, instead I find myself coming up with ways to use that failed product and end up creating awesome recipes because of my initial failure!

If you approach everything you're scared of with the understanding that even if you fail you will learn something, I find that taking the leap is just a little less scary.

Let go of fear and take the leap

If there is anything that your heart has been desiring but your brain has been holding you back on, I encourage you to take the leap! Even if you fall flat on your face, I guarantee that you will learn something that will help you next time you leap. Don't let the fear of failure stop you from trying. You are worthy of everything you desire and if fear is holding you back I hope that my words inspired you to try anyway. What's the worst that could happen?

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