Learning to Listen to Your Intuition to Avoid Overwhelm

Learning to listen to your intuition is the key to a balanced existence. When your body needs rest, listen. When you have the drive and energy, let it flow and create. Learning to listen to your body, mind and spirit is learning to listen to intuition. Lately I have been practicing this type of self love. For a long time slowing down and listening to what my body was truly saying was hard. Sometimes it felt like what I needed wasn't always possible. Slowly I learned ways to balance myself so even when it feels impossible, I am able to tune in and determine the next steps that are best for me. In the last couple weeks that has looked like slowing down on one aspect of my business while putting my energy into another. By learning how to prioritize and balance my energy, I am able to stay on track while not burning out. You can do the same!

Acknowledge your progress with gratitude

I feel like sometimes we get so caught up in productivity that we forget how much effort it actually takes to follow our passions. Whether your passion is photography, writing, marketing, or even just living life to the fullest, supporting this passion takes energy! Sometimes we lose touch of the accomplishments along the way constantly focusing on the end goal. I challenge you to step back, look at the big picture, and give gratitude to yourself for getting you to where you are. Even if where you are today isn't where you want to be. Your time will come! Be thankful everyday for the journey so far and know that what is meant for you will find you.

By stepping back acknowledging everything you went through to get where you are at you can see the progress you've made so far. You need to acknowledge your progress! Acknowledging your accomplishments gives you motivation to keep going. Sometimes progress is slow and that can be discouraging. Just step back again, and give yourself gratitude. You can keep going!

Prioritize your energy

Whenever I find myself overwhelmed this is a practice I do to bring myself back to the present. I find that focusing on one task at a time can do wonders. This week and last I knew I had a big order to fulfill for a client. I knew all of my energy and focus needed to come together to create something of high worth. To do so I diverted my energy where I had to in order to ensure I could put my all into creating this order. For me that meant taking a week off blogging  so that I could use that energy elsewhere. And that is ok! By learning how to prioritize my energy I am not only honoring myself, I am one step closer to materializing my dreams. Where can you divert energy to help you accomplish your dreams? 

Listen to your heart

At the end of the day intuition is unique to each and every person. What works for me might not work for you, but I do know this… You cannot get in tune with your intuition without slowly down and looking inwards. Listen to what your heart wants and listen to your gut when you get instincts you can't explain. This is your intuition leading the way!

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